Roman Starchenko played 700 matches in the KHL
04 September 2021

Roman Starchenko played 700 matches in the KHL

A rather significant event for the entire Kazakhstan hockey took place on September 3. Roman Starchenko played his 700th game in the Kontinental Hockey League. The fact that the 35-year-old forward spent all these matches in the Barys form makes this event even more special. Roman played in all 14 seasons of the KHL, which is a unique case as well.

During this period, Starchenko recorded 353 (191+162) points for scoring performance. Already at the end of the current season, the 48th number of Barys  has every chance to step over the grandmaster milestone of 200 scored goals in the KHL.

General Partner of Barys HC - SWF "Samruk Kazyna" JSC

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