Barys - 2008 won the second round of Kazakhstan Championship
03 January 2024

Barys - 2008 won the second round of Kazakhstan Championship



Astana hosted the second round of the Kazakhstan Hockey Championship among juniors born in 2008 in the "Strongest" group.

Six teams continue to fight for the championship awards. Barys-2008, under the leadership of coaches Ramazan Kaidarov and Dmitry Kolodyuk, won again in all their games with a total difference of 47-12 goals scored and conceded.

According to the results of two rounds, our team has 30 points out of 30 possible and a confident first place in the standings. "Astana" team is in second position (21 points), "Torpedo" closes the top three (18 points).

Barys 2008 attacker Tair Bigarinov (6+8) has become the most productive player of the tournament.

Ramazan Kaidarov, Senior coach of Barys 2008

- The second round passed without any problems. Only in one of the matches we were often out and conceded four short-handed goals. This is also a necessary experience for us. We should train on it in order not to miss goals. In general, we scored a lot of goals and had a good tournament.



General Partner of Barys HC - SWF Samruk-Kazyna JSC

Partner of Barys HC - CF Tourism and Sports Industry Support Fund

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